Bio-logicA - The social value of agriculture

Bio-logicA aims to be an annual event dedicated to quality agriculture, organised by the Azienda per il Turismo di Trento thanks to the support of the Municipality of Trento and the collaboration with Biodistretto di Trento, University of Trento, Muse - Museo delle Scienze, CIA, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura and Slow Food of Trentino, with the aim of bringing the city and the countryside closer together, becoming a space for information, growth of awareness, reflection and proposal on the prospects of urban agriculture and on the new challenges represented by food and healthy lifestyles.

Trento has always had a strong connection with its territory, with its morphology and geography. An archipelago city that has always been in dialogue with the natural elements that characterise it, the river, the hill and the mountains. Different and characteristic areas that range from the cultivated valley floor to the high altitude pastures and that make it the prototype of the Alpine city, articulated, complex and for this reason modern. A modernity that is embodied in the city of knowledge, with universities, cultural institutions and research centers of excellence, high-profile performances in the quality of life and in the concrete declination of sustainability issues towards citizens.

Also in the field of agriculture, Trento represents a productive reality linked to the vocational nature of its environment. Thanks to Trento Doc, the name that characterises mountain sparkling wine productions according to the classic method, the city is positioned at the top of national and international oenological excellence, while fruit and vegetable productions complete the internal fabric of the largest agricultural municipality in Trentino. In this regard, the balance of organic production with a certified area is also significant, calculated on the total of 4,000 hectares of Used Agricultural Area that reached the threshold of 27% in 2023, which in fact projects it beyond the objectives set by the Farm to Fork by the European Union for 2030.

But you can't talk about agriculture and sustainability without also talking about food and healthy lifestyles. Starting in particular from Expo 2015, there has been a growing interest of cities in food policies precisely because of the crucial role they play in the global fight for sustainability.

Download the programme, the list of exhibitors and their maps here.

At Trento Expo on the days of the Agricultural Exhibition, you will also find the following initiatives:

On Saturday and Sunday 16 and 17 March 2024 at Trento Expo, on the occasion of Bio.logicA there will also be an agricultural market "Bi.S.Tr.o.TRENTO" of trade associations set up in the main hall of the Agricultural Exhibition.

In addition, in conjunction with the Bi.S.Tr.o, all the exhibitors from the world of agriculture, gardening and nurseries are present in the Trento Expo spaces (Salone A basement, Salone B mezzanine floor and outdoor square) and you can taste the food and wine specialities. In the basement lounge, on the other hand, we will give space and visibility to the DOMO stands, that is, to companies related to the world of construction, renewable energy and new technologies.

Information and contacts

Localities: TRENTO

Trento Expo - Via di Briamasco, 2 - 38122 Trento TN

Event dates

from 16.03.2024 to 17.03.2024
  • from 16.03.2024 to 17.03.2024 - 08:30 - 19:00

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