Sustainable entrepreneurship

Become a messenger of sustainability

Behind every tourist experience: a world of people, skills, projects and services to be enhanced.

In the tourism development of a destination, a crucial role is played by our operators: ambassadors and promoters of the territory, masters of hospitality and guardians of heritage. As actors and direct promoters of our territory, we ask you to embrace sustainability to increase your performance, reduce waste and use resources (natural, human and economic) efficiently, but above all to guide our community and tourists towards more responsible behaviour.

When choosing criteria to strive for a high standard of sustainability, it is a good idea to refer to internationally recognized standards, such as those that the GSTC, Global Sustainable Tourism Council, has adopted for hotels and businesses

Be the engine for the sustainable development of Trento, Monte Bondone and the Piné plateau: consult the Trentino Suite platform, complete the questionnaire and discover the contents of the page dedicated to you. Finally, don't forget to issue territory cards for the benefit of your guests. Trentino Guest Card and Trento Guest Card offer a wide variety of free and discounted offers to those who stay overnight in Trentino; through the Mio Trentino app, visitors are encouraged to make full and informed use of the local offer and, last but not least, are encouraged to use public transport, which is completely free of charge for card holders. 

If you manage an accommodation facility, here you can assess your current sustainability performance: regardless of the result, always focus your efforts on your growth!

Marchi e certificazioni

Le certificazioni garantiscono che un'organizzazione operi in conformità con determinati standard definiti da organizzazioni indipendenti e autorevoli. Sono uno strumento per intraprendere un percorso di sostenibilità ambientale, sociale ed economica con lo scopo di garantire uno sviluppo a lungo termine e tutelare il patrimonio per questa e le prossime generazioni.

Scopri ed approfondisci tutte le opportunità di certificazione

Riduzione delle emissioni

Ridurre al minimo l'impatto delle emissioni di CO₂ e degli altri gas a effetto serra sull'ambiente e utilizzare misure di compensazione per arrivare all'equilibrio in atmosfera: è il Net Zero, obiettivo fondamentale da raggiungere entro il 2050.

Aiuta il turismo a diventare carbon neutral

Reducing light and noise pollution

Light and noise pollution can be a significant source of disturbance and stress both to the environment, to the wildlife that populates our territory, and to the local community. Paying attention to the impact our daily activities can have on the environment is therefore more important than ever and represents a responsible choice towards the ecosystem, the community and our guests.

For a respectful and responsible approach to nature

Consumi energetici

Spegni la luce e risparmia in bolletta. 10 consigli utili e pratici per ridurre il consumo di energia elettrica e avere un risparmio in bolletta.

Scopri questi pratici trucchetti

Consumi idrici

Non è molto complicato mettere in atto queste buone pratiche antispreco per preservare il bene comune più prezioso che esiste: l’acqua.

Salva la goccia!

Waste reduction

Waste production is one of the most impactful aspects of tourism activity. Indeed, the increase in the number of people present in a destination leads to an increase in municipal waste per capita and may result in less attention being paid to separate waste collection.


Waste reduction and food waste: a sustainability test

The time has come to rethink the way we do tourism, putting the needs of the resident community, the host environment and tourists at the centre. We have an ambitious goal: to build a path of sustainability for the destination. To get there, everyone in the destination has to do their part to improve the impacts that tourism has on the environment and citizen society. How much is your facility contributing?

Run this quick TEST and find out

Corporate welfare and labour inclusion

The adoption of actions to promote work-life balance, equal opportunities and more generally organizational well-being within the corporate context can generate important benefits for both employees and the company itself. Among the corporate welfare tools available in Trentino is the Family Audit certification. You too should adopt inclusive workplace strategies and corporate welfare measures that can foster organisational well-being within your company and generate benefits for your employees.

Find out more

Adaptation to climate change

Ongoing climate change is now more than ever a global emergency with potentially devastating impacts on the environment, wildlife and communities. Climate adaptation can take many forms, find out which ones.

Find out more