Our history... Villa Maria is a small complex of tourist apartments for rent in Trentino Alto Adige, in the center of Baselga di Piné, a jewel in the heart of the plateau of the same name. The house has belonged to our family since 1942, when it was bought by great-grandfather Costante and great-grandmother Maria, a sweet but at the same time strong and determined woman who sold spices around the plateau for a living. His dedication to family and hospitality has been passed down through the ages, up to us grandchildren who with Villa Maria want you to feel at home, immersed in the wonderful mountain environment of our beloved Trentino and welcomed into our apartments, characterized by the simplicity of ancient things combined with a touch of modernity, managed with the same care and love as our great-grandmother. Villa Maria is family. ‍‍‍ Villa Maria is simplicity. Villa Maria is home. We are waiting for you, a smile from up here


Facilities / Services
Payment methods
Beds & rooms
Security measures
Water economy
Hygiene and disinfection
Camping facilities
Bike facilities
Waste separation & waste avoidance
Contact tracing
Energy efficiency
Meetings / Conferences
Foreign languages
Distance rules

Contacts and arrival

Supplier information




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Check-out: fino 00:00

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