Palazzo Trentini

Opening times:
• from September 2023 to June 2024, on Saturday 9am-12am

The Palace can be visited every Saturday from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm, not in the months of July and August.

Special visits on the occasion of Autonomy Day, celebrated every year on 5 September.

On the occasion of exhibitions, the exhibition halls are open from Monday to Friday all day and on Saturday mornings.  

This 18th-century palace, now home to the Provincial Council, surprises with the exceptional wealth of its works that give it invaluable artistic value.

The history of Palazzo Trentini, now the seat of the Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento, begins around 1740, when the family of Trentino barons purchased two adjoining buildings to merge them and transform them into their own residence. The interior decorations are truly remarkable, including frescoed cycles and canvases on the ceilings that are inspired by the iconology of Cesare Ripa, a famous repertoire of allegorical figures and a real reference point for artists of the Baroque age. Among the rooms of the palace, the Salone dell 'Aurora stands out, the most prestigious room dominated by a large vault decorated with fake architecture and frescoed around 1750 with the Triumph of the Dawn.


The exceptional artistic value of the palace.

Information and contacts

Places: TRENTO


Via Manci, 27 - 38122 Trento (TN)

Phone: +390461213111

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