Nineteenth-century fortifications of the VII sector

From Monte Bondone to the Adige valley

The works of the VII sector descended the southern part of Monte Bondone, starting from the Pale group, passing through the Parolet and the Terlago area to reach the valley floor. These fortifications controlled, along with Sector I, the southern side of the Trento Fortress and included Fort Romagnano.

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The sector

Above the village of Romagnano stood the homonymous battery built in the nineteenth century, demolished in 1896 and replaced by the new fort. In 1909, together with the works on the Palon peak, the stronghold of the Pale was built, laiter strengthened in 1915. With the outbreak of the war a modern entrenched field descended from the top of the Palon, along the southern side of the Val di Gola, reaching the numerous works between Garniga Vecchia, Romagnano and Ravina. This side of Monte Bondone is less touristy and wilder than the northern side; offers suggestive glimpses: at the top with its woods and in the valley floor with its countryside.


Fort Romagnano

  • year of construction: 1896-1899
  • typology: strong
  • private property
  • open to the public: no
  • state of conservation: restored